A few of my favorite pieces of journalism from years past

My father’s pride and joy, his Steinway, made whole
The Commercial Appeal, June 15, 2003


People who listen to pianos for a living say they can hear the difference between a Steinway piano and every other kind. It comes from the exacting way the piano is made, each instrument built completely by hand, using methods and tools that have been around for more than 100 years. To me, that sound is my father…

Anonymous gift-giving recharges generosity
The Commercial Appeal, December 28, 2013


It was two weeks until Christmas, and my holiday shopping was taking on a desperate tone. The joy of thinking of a loved one and picking out exactly the right gift had long since been overtaken by obligatory holiday box-checking. Hundreds of homemade caramels wrapped and packaged? Check. Gifts for distant family ordered? Check. Something — anything — for a girlfriend’s husband? …


Walker: ‘Don’t Let Go of the Dream’
Memphis Daily News, June 17, 2016

Murphy: ‘Allow Yourself to Be Guided’
Memphis Daily News, August 19, 2016

Washington: ‘Always Take Time to Analyze’
Memphis Daily News, August 26, 2016